Since the folklore of vampires varies from source to source and from culture to culture, I’ve set these as the parameters of what a vampire can and can’t do within this setting.
- Blood (Feeding)
- Vampires must feed every day and require a minimum of one pint of human blood. They can drink much more but that runs the risk of killing their victim.
- Turning (Becoming A Vampire)
- Becoming a vampire is a deliberate act on someone’s part, be it the vampire or the “victim”. I tend towards the Anne Rice style. The vampire first bites the human and consumes a large amount of their blood. The vampire then feeds the human some of their blood before biting them again and consuming enough blood to take them to the brink of death. The turning human passes into a death-like coma for two to three days. In past times vampires would bury the turned human to keep them safe during their change. However, in modern times they can place them in a safe house or other well protected location. Once the new vampire wakens, their need for blood consumes them and until they get enough (say 8 to 10 pints) they suffer from a bloodlust bordering on madness.
- Fangs
- Fangs are retractable and very sharp. A vampire’s fangs may extend due to hunger or intense arousal.
- Sunlight
- While vampires are very sensitive to sunlight, they don’t burst into flames if exposed to it. They will get a sunburn worse than humans and severe headaches. If a vampire were exposed to intense sunlight for a long period of time, they would die sooner than a human in the same situation.
- Venom And Coagulant
- When the vampire bites a victim a venom enters the victim’s bloodstream eliminating the pain of the bite and inducing a euphoria akin to intense sexual arousal and pleasure. The vampire’s tongue exudes a coagulant that stops the bleeding from the puncture wounds. The experience of a vampire’s venom is what many voluntary “victims” seek when they give their blood freely.
- Shape Change
- Yes and no. A vampire’s exterior appearance is a reflection of how they see themselves; sort of an idealized version of their human self. The change is slow, taking years, but eventually their outside will match their inside. A vampire’s face does not suddenly change into a horrific visage when they attack (a la “Buffy” or “Dusk Til Dawn”). The only physical change is the extension of their fangs.
- Mental Control or Hypnotism
- Again, yes and no. Vampires do not have mental powers per se, however most vampires have strong, confident personalities and some have had a LOT of practice interacting with people. They are often able to manipulate or seduce humans very effectively but they can’t make them act out of character or do something against their will. There is, however, one anomalous phenomenon that many vampires attribute to some form of psychic power. Vampires can make themselves “unseen”. Not invisibility, more like humans “overlook” them unless they are highly perceptive. Other vampires are immune to this effect as well as humans who are intimately familiar with the vampire community.
- Enhanced Senses
- All of a vampire’s senses are heightened above the average human. They see in the dark as well as owls, their sense of smell and hearing are comparable to a dog’s (or wolf’s if you prefer). Their sense of touch and taste are similarly heightened.
- Physicality
- Vampires are stronger than the average human, but they aren’t Superman. They are probably at the level of an Olympic athlete without the bulk. Their reaction time is also above human levels, something akin to the cheetah. They are able to jump longer distances and run faster, but not at superhuman levels.
- Immortality
- Effectively, vampires are immortal. As long as they have a source of human blood they don’t age, don’t get sick, don’t lose their mental faculties and heal at an astounding rate. Damage to the heart or the brain can kill them, however.
- Coffins
- Some kinky vampires actually do sleep in coffins during the day, but most usually have a room in their home that is light proof with a normal bed.
- Miscellaneous
- Silver: Many vampires develop an allergic reaction to silver, which can cause itching or hives.
- Mirrors: They cast a reflection just like everything else.
- Garlic: Strong flavors and smells, such as garlic or spices, are even stronger to a vampire due to their heightened senses. However, like some humans, some prefer spicy foods. (They can eat too, but usually only in small amounts.)
- Holy symbols, places, etc.: Vampires who were highly religious before they were turned may have psychological issues with crosses or churches, but these would probably stem from shame, guilt or other perceived transgressions. Otherwise these things have no power over vampires.
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